
I enjoy editing videos—most of the time. I edit artistic and creative videos for my YouTube channel, and funny or action-packed skits that I make with my friends.

I’m currently not available for hire.

i am velichor: 2024

Every year (starting in 2023), I make a short film about.. myself.
Myself, and my interests.

The second in the series. Hopefully I’ll carry out some of the plans I listed here before 2025.
(current date is August 22, 2024)

i am velichor

Every year, I make a short film about.. myself.
Myself, and my interests.

This is the first in the series. When I made it, I didn’t have this series in mind, so it’s a bit different.

my channel introduction
one of my first micro films
a fun food video
a quick project that is a commentary on gaming

These videos are made to be consumable, quick, funny, artistic, and/or informative… and fun to make!
