everything from social media to retirement

About Us
about us
How it started
Three teens. A sleepover. And lots of candy.
Hugo had previously made joke podcasts with some of his friends, and wanted to do so with Cohen and Milo. But they needed names. In the 30 seconds after that occurred to them, the names Podcasting Podcasters, and Mr Host were chosen. 30 seconds after that, the first episode was under way. It was recorded in only four clips, and was 100% improv.
The Podcasting Podcasters is a comedy podcast in which “Mr Host” interviews experts at things like relationships, or boxing.
The podcast is made by a friend group for fun, and there is no schedule whatsoever.
Meet the podcasters
Alexis, Cohen, Eli, Hugo, Milo.
Alexis: Played the outspoken and impertinent Bartemis Holcroft in Episode 5, and is the voice of Dory.
Cohen: The host of (almost) all episodes: Mr Host. Also acts as the rather loud mouth of Sylvester.
Eli: Expertly personified a red Skittle in Bonus Episode #4, and is the man behind the Dennis commercials.
Hugo: Famous for his Tony commercials, and his performance as Boxing Bruno in Episode 8.
Milo: Acted in every single episode of Season 1, and is the voice behind the signature Ferny commercials.

friendships, parenting, boxing, more


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