

what is

fast fashion?

“The term fast fashion refers to a large sector of the fashion industry whose business model relies on cheap and speedy production of low quality clothing, which gets pumped quickly through stores in order to meet the latest and newest trends.” – earth.org

“Fast fashion is a life-squashing manifestation of greed that has rendered all clothing waste.” – Liz Ricketts

“On the most basic level, fast fashion is quickly produced trends sold at low price points. But producing and consuming clothing at the current rate we are is taking a massive toll on both the planet and the people who work to make it.” – Vogue.com

“Fast Fashion to me means buying too much of what you don’t need, regardless of how expensive or disposable it is. I think of it like a mindset instead of a product.” – Katherine

“Fast fashion retailers move, well, faster than their traditional counterparts. This means that they compress production cycles and turn out up-to-the-minute designs, enabling shoppers to not only expand their wardrobes but also refresh them quickly—and cheaply.” – McKinsey.com

“Fast fashion is the business model of replicating recent catwalk trends and high-fashion designs, mass-producing them at a low cost, and bringing them to retail quickly while demand is at its highest.” – Wikipedia.org

what is

fast fashion?

how do you define fast fashion?