I’ve been talking a lot about Fashion Revolution Week, but what am I actually doing? Well, aside from the huge fast fashion project here on my site, the short films, zine, and articles to come, and promotion of the cause through social media, I’m making some (public) personal commitments to do better as a consumer.
This is a list of my commitments to the Fashion Revolution.
I encourage you to do something like this too, whether it’s a private note on your phone, a post on social media, etc. It doesn’t have to be as much as I committed to. It could be as little as buying one less garment per week, month, or year.
My Commitments
- have never and will never buy a new piece of clothing from conventional retailers; only used clothing, and ethical and sustainable brands
- always have and always will wear my clothes until I can’t
- signed the #NoMorePolyester pledge!
- spread the word through my writing, film, zines, social media, podcasting, and other creative and/or journalistic channels
- tell my friends and family about fast fashion and slow fashion
- keep myself informed
- ask myself the following before buying a new garment:
- Will this make me feel good?
- How long will I keep this?
- Why am I buying this? Is it because of a trend that will soon be irrelevant?
- Can I wear this all year long? Is it specific to a season?
- How many clothes in my current wardrobe will it go with?
- What do I know about the company who made this? Do they maintain ethical and sustainable practices?
- will paint over all clothing stains (inspired by Lennard Taylor)
- will support local and sustainable brands through donations and exposure when I can
Note: These are commitments made in Fashion Revolution Week, not commitments that are only for the duration of Fashion Revolution Week.
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
Arthur Ashe
Yes, it’s can be a lot of change. But not everyone’s
commitments have to be (or are) the same.
Act as if what you are doing makes a difference. It does.
William James
My work in fast/slow fashion…
My public fast fashion work will be available here when it’s done.
In the mean time, you can visit my comprehensive webpage on fast fashion, built to inform people like you.
join the conversation…