
Category: Fast Fashion

  • Dead White Man’s Clothes

    Dead White Man’s Clothes

    Photo: velichor Where does clothing go after you’re done with it? A lot of it ends up in Kantamanto Market, one of the largest secondhand clothing markets in the world where over 30,000 vendors attempt to sell the ~15,000,000 garments that pass through it every week. The Journey A stained t-shirt is tossed onto an…

  • My Commitments to the Fashion Revolution

    My Commitments to the Fashion Revolution

    I’ve been talking a lot about Fashion Revolution Week, but what am I actually doing? Well, aside from the huge fast fashion project here on my site, the short films, zine, and articles to come, and promotion of the cause through social media, I’m making some (public) personal commitments to do better as a consumer.…

  • Forever Wasteful Spoof Ad

    No clothing will make you live forever at the age of 21. According to a Cosmopolitan article, the California Department of Labor “looked into the labor practices of 77 independent factories in Southern California. Labor violations were found in 85 percent of cases and those companies were ordered to pay their workers $1.3 million in…
